Thursday, 30 August 2018

How far can the frog go?

The Luxury Frog method is a process of replacing dull ways of spending money with exciting ones.

It is a luxury only lifestyle- and luxury can be cheaper than you think or even free.

  • The only way to explain it properly is by example.
  • My 'frog' for September is £100. I intend to spend it all (or almost all) on good food. This will raise my living standard a little and maybe build my strength a little too. All well and good.
  • But then in October... I will discover that about £70 of the money I spent on food has come back to me. This occurs because I no longer need to spend money on bad food if I already have good food.
  • I can, therefore, spend £200 on my October frog while only spending a little more money. £100 will be on food and £100 on a short break.
  • Then in November, I discover that my travelling has reduced the money I spend at home... Repeat.
  • This process will grind to a halt at around £600 a month at my present income-unless my adventures make me an Instagram star!

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