Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Choosing our problems wisely!

It is a terrible thing to be without problems. We will create them when they do not exist.

  • I think Freud came to this view because the majority of his patients had comfortable lives and no obvious reason to be unhappy. Most were women of the upper class who were provided for by their husbands but who had no housework to do because the family had servants. The mind therefore wandered in search of something to worry about. We see something similar today with the Social Justice Movement.
  • What is a human being but a problem solving machine? We have minds that love to solve puzzles and spirits that delight in meeting challenges. What are we to do when all of our real problems are resolved?
  • To avoid neuroses we should choose a hard path in life. We should resolve to create something of value and in this way expose ourselves to every small minded bigot available. This will distract us form our own neuroses and maybe make us great.
  • The photograph is of Big Ben with a green light on to to show solidarity with Islam. Britain imports Islamic terrorism because most domestic problems are resolved. In order to make life interesting we must allow the drama of terrorism to fester. This morning someone tried to blow up the houses of parliament so we now have what they seek.
If we have a worthy goal then we will have no time for first world problems.

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