Thursday 10 August 2017

A strange medieval revival.

One unexpected result of the Internet economy is a peculiar medieval revivalism. This happens because the old ways are more more Instagram friendly than the new. Whoever heard of someone taking an Instagram selfie while shopping on Amazon?

Medieval street plans naturally calm traffic and absorb sound better than glass and steel. They make shopping for a sandwich and a cup of coffee into a fascinating exploration of side streets and lanes.

The first three photographs were taken in the City- a place that combines 21st century technology with medieval forms of government.

Medieval architecture is also fantastically compact and multi purposed. A single building such as this church in the City (above) may provide a place of worship, music, charitable service, a community meeting place and a clock tower at a single location.

The medieval world was more colourful than generally imagined. This Oxford example is a recreation but authentically gaudy. Notice how the public are drawn in off the street to gawp and wonder at it all. Who does this in a modern town hall?

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