Friday, 6 March 2020

Will Corona kill you?

It seems that corona has already escaped containment in the UK and is spreading freely from person to person. We know this because there are people who test positive for the virus but who have not been in contact with known carriers. London will be hit particularly hard as so many of us travel on the Tube.

Current death rate is about one percent but this is with a functional health service. If millions are affected then the NHS will collapse and sufferers will have to fend for themselves. This will probably increase fatalities considerably.

I have been impressed by the efforts of both the Chinese government and people. The population seem willing to wear masks even in the UK where the risk of inflection is low. The more individualistic UK may spread the disease far more quickly.

We do have two things favoring us however. We have a great number of people living alone and this will reduce the risk of infection naturally. There is also the fact that viruses tend to evolve to less fatal varieties as time goes on. This is because a virus 'wants' us walking around without symptoms infecting other people. The less deadly the inflection the longer this goes on.

There are a number of things we can do to reduce the risk starting right now. 

Scientific solutions.

Buy chicken soup to boost the immune system.

Take vitamins but do not mega-dose.

When not working, avoid crowds.

Disinfect the hands at regular intervals and follow the instructions while doing so.

Cover the nose and mouth.

Things that may (or may not) help.

These were invented by myself but may work anyway.

Splash a little bleach in the bath. The virus seems to sit upon the skin waiting to be transferred to the mouth nose or eyes by touch. Bleach is effective against viruses but is deactivated by organic compounds. In short. It may not be entirely effective but cannot make the problem worse. An eggcup of bleach in the bath is sufficient.

Antiseptic mouthwash may also be helpful. If you wish to create a healthy and very cheap alternative yourself then use clove oil or boil up some cloves. Wash your face and nose with it in the mornings too.

Breathe through the nose, not the mouth.

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