Friday, 13 December 2019


There are two things one cannot criticize American fast food chains of and there are portion size and hygiene. This is Subway where I have a foot long mega-melt (four sausages, two eggs, two rashers of bacon three toppings, two sauces, one coffee, bread) plus 90 points for £4.50.

It is true that Subway is often bland and makes all places look the same but the value argument holds.

The big drama of last night was the general election which Boris won so I am a happy man.

It is fresh this morning and I feel good despite a steady stream of stupidity form my fellow human
beings. Looking through city publications for money making inspiration I find an advertisement for 'smart' meters. These are free on request and were previously promoted as the money saving option. With a smart meter it is possible to see exactly how much one is using so I suppose this might result in some changed behavior. Now, they are promoted as a way to reduce CO2 emissions as power companies can predict demand through them in some way. It seems worth doing even if there is some loss of privacy involved. In theory it should be possible to tell if I am at home or not by looking at my usage. Despite this I think I will do it as I am a sucker for technology.

One further food innovation was a bag of chia seeds from Waitrose. Quite expensive at 365g for £4.99 they are claimed to reduce cholesterol if one sprinkles them on top of everyday food. If true, this is a bargain.

My employer is looking to reduce my hours so I must cut my overhead soon. I am praying for inspiration.

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