Monday, 9 December 2019

Duke st, Mayfair.

There are in London a thousand or so streets that take a day to explore. This is not because they are long but because they contain such a concentration of sensation, beauty, history and human oddity that one emerges the other end as a new person. One such is Duke st in Mayfair. To walk downs such a street is to take a short holiday and to be removed for a while from all ones cares.

Walking these thousand streets one experiences a form of hyper reality where the surprising and the Instagram worthy crowd in upon the senses and over power them. I take photographs of everything from multiple angles and the world finds it interesting. Yet I know somehow that if it were not framed in an Instagram square most would be unable to see anything remarkable at all. What is this for instance? It seems to be a mausoleum without visible religious iconography. A Catholic church looms behind it. Are they connected?

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