Friday, 15 March 2019

Truth and error in the Secret.

There is there is some truth in new age thinking on the subject of money- but only a very little.

One notion is that money comes to us if we already feel rich. They claim that the universe is actually controlled by thought and so we need only be positive to be rich. There are two problems to this. First it causes us to ignore problems. If we think we might have cancer we might sweep it under the carpet and think ‘healthy’ thoughts for example. It can also cause us to lose sympathy for the poor as they have caused their poverty through their own thoughts and not misfortune.

There is some small atom of truth however. If we feel rich and successful we will carry ourselves as such. Other people will take us more seriously and this opens doors.

One method they suggest for this 'rich' feeling is carrying cash. £200 feels about right for me. Much more than this and I will become nervous. Much less and I will feel poor.

We shall see how it goes.

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