Thursday, 20 September 2018

The war on your mind.

We all have our weaknesses. We may be persuaded to spend money unwisely by a variety of tricks.

A supermarket will place it's most profitable lines immediately ahead of us and slightly down. This is in our direct line of sight and most people look no further. Above and below we may find cheaper products in less appealing packaging. The difference in quality is usually less than the difference in price.

Be wary of 'buy one get one free' offers in perishable goods. These often turn into 'buy one, throw one away' offers.

Never buy confectionery at the checkout and never (ever, ever, ever) get a child in the habit of demanding you do so.

Retailers employ the finest psychologists in the world and their aim is to make us into impulse shoppers- the most profitable kind of shopper.

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