Saturday, 8 September 2018

A strange tale is this.

When sophistication fails- try naivety.

  • It drew me in. Not by sophisticated argument, but because something within me responded to it.
  • The essence of the book is simple. Resolve to be rich- believe success is assured and we will be right! It is 'The Secret' for a more innocent age.
  • Some practical advice was given- we need to form 'mastermind groups' of ambitious people with different skills to ourselves and to meet with them regularly.
  • This all sounds rather new age but I then asked myself 'what do I have to lose'? The answer is 'nothing'.
  • Could I feel myself in possession of £100,000? £50,000? It is almost as difficult to feel rich without money as it is to earn some. I thought I would work up to it over a number of months. I could easily see myself in possession of an extra £1 in October. In fact, I found this money in the street the very same day- and it is only September!
  • Could I see myself in possession of an extra £10 in November? Again, yes. I am spending more on food these days and the posher kind of food comes with loyalty points- by a spooky coincidence, this will be about £10 a month from October or November onwards.
  • How about an extra £100 by December? Well. I will have three months to think of something and I will have the accumulated gains made in October and November so... yes! I can easily see this happening. Spooky!

I am quite sure that 'the secret' works but I am equally sure that nothing supernatural is happening. Two things are first, the believer notices possibilities more readily because he is expecting them. Second, he will notice his good luck and be thankful.

Both of these are good things.

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