Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Truth Branding

There is this thing called personal branding..

The aim seems to be to take a human being and package him as a commodity- the ideal corporate drone which is a very New Money thing to be. Old Money is about integrity rather than marketing so if we are forced sell ourselves as a commodity (and most of us are) we must do it in the most truthful way possible.  The danger with 'personal branding' is that we may forget who we are.

I suggest something I call 'Truth Branding' which starts with two questions.
  1. What is my best self?
  2. What is my gift to the world?
Once we know these things we advertise them. We let our true skills and ideals show and we give, give give to the world- not as an act of virtue signaling but for the joy of it.

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