Thursday, 5 September 2019

Four ways to maintain Kindle privacy.

We may mind our own business but others may be snooping! Much of this is motivated by political correctness, The rigid of mind love to sniff out those who are a little different.

Many of us have Kindles now. These are useful from a privacy viewpoint because it is hard to read the cover of a book while it is being read. Unfortunately this is not true when not in use. The names of books can be read quite clearly when in idle mode. Buy a protective cover for when we are not reading. This protects the screen and saves the battery a little too, as a magnet in the screen cover switches the Kindle on and off.

Set up an access number on the front screen. This prevents the idle snooper from tapping the screen and seeing all that one has read recently.

Organize reading into 'collections' with meaningless titles. The primary purpose of the collection for most people is to organize ones reading into themes. Rather than using collection titles such as 'romance' or 'politics' we should use euphemisms such as 'novels' or 'reference'.

The less our boss knows about us the better. Most people are bored at work and are on the lookout for drama. A co worker with an independent mind can provide the drama some people desperately need.

Turn off 'recommendations' if  possible to do so (not everyone can). Doing this sometimes costs £10 if recommendations subsidized your kindle. In my view it is worth it. Recommendations is a marketing tool that suggests purchases based upon past reading. The problem is that if someone sees our suggestions they will have a good idea of our reading habits up until that time.

Stay safe.

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